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Tauchen in Florida

Ein Blick auf die Landkarte von Florida genügt, um zu wissen, warum es hier so viele Tauchplätze gibt. Auf der Halbinsel bis ganz südlich auf den Keys sind viele der besten Tauchplätze von fast jedem Ort aus in wenigen Stunden mit dem Auto zu erreichen. Urlauber, die es nach wirklich großen Wracks dürstet sind mit der über 155 m langen Spiegel Grove bei Key Largo gut bedient. Zwei weitere große Wracks, die man definitiv betauchen sollte, sind die ehemaligen Coast Guard Kutter Bibb und Duane. Nicht zu vergessen sind auch eine Gruppe von Wracks im Umkreis von Miami. Panama City Beach im Nordwesten von Florida ist in erster Linie für seine 43 Kilometer langen Traumstrände bekannt; aber auch die ruhigen Gewässer vor der Küste lohnen eine Entdeckungstour: Panama City Beach bietet fünf geschichtsträchtige Wracks entlang des Panhandle Shipwreck Diving Trails. Doch nicht nur für das Tauchen im Meer steht Florida: Crystal River, Rainbow River und Ginnie Springs zählen weltweit zu den Topadressen in Bezug auf das Süßwassertauchen. Seekühe gibt es in z.B. in Crystal River zu bestaunen, schnorcheln oder tauchen im Rainbow River, oder Grotten – und Höhlentauchen in den Quelltöpfen von Ginnie Springs – vom Anfänger bis hin zu wirklich beeindruckenden Höhlenstrecken für Vollprofis wie zB die Höhlensysteme von Devils Ear und Devils Eye.

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In May 2011 I started my first wreck trek with rental car from Miami all the way down to Key West. From a dive show in Düsseldorf I got that cute little logbook published by Monroe County Tourist Development Council. The idea was to hit all 9 wrecks pictured there like you do in bowling. A splendid idea to introduce Florida wrecks. In Key Largo my adventure began with a promising and amazing dip on Spiegel Grove. However I couldn´t book all the other wrecks, as we couldn´t find dive centers who offered the A. Busch, Thunderbolt, Bibb and Eagle. Some had these on their schedule but asked for at least 4 divers, puuuh. Vandenberg was the final highlight of this trip. It bothered me to find white spots in that logbook and the idea simmered in me to one day try again. In 2018 a new US vacation was planned, so I tried to finish that job. Asked Juliet for the wreck trek cruise. They only had one trip scheduled and this was fully booked by some US dive club. Juliet suggested for me to ask if they still had space available for me. Lucky me, there was a half share cabin free. THANK YOU SCUBA VENTURE, MARK SPITZER + CRAIG CHOLSON. These two guys arranged everything so I could join them on that trip. It was my 2. nd on Juliet. If one thing goes well you sometimes stumble across other not foreseen obstacles. My ESTA for entering USA was refused. This nearly panicked and stressed me. Due to only one question: “have you been to Syria, Irak or Sudan”, which I had to answer with yes. The website immediately blinked a warning: “ you really want to answer that question with yes”. Well if you want and need me be to be honest. I had been on a live aboard in Sudan, had a visa for this in my passport, no sense lying here. I then had to fill out a huge form for a visitor visa US, make an appointment with US embassy Frankfurt for a hearing. This took quite some time and money and I was a bit worried I have to cancel my trip. At the end all went well. Juliet welcomed us at a jetty near Biscayne Road Miami. 11 US divers and 1 German – would this work well? I guess it did, and turned out to be a lovely week with open minded guys sharing the same ideas and agendas. Wreck 7 was our first stop to give us the chance to check our gear. I had a new Scubapro Lite Hawk BC which was much better for travelling than the old heavy but reliable Master Jacket. Water had 29 C ideal for me and a 5 mil. We dove nearly all wrecks on our way down to Key West. Some were easy ones with good vis. We had good sized barracuda, tarpons, yellowfin tuna, on some wrecks we encountered humongous grouper, which were a bit shy with the camera. Benwood had amazing fish life all around, my Hero was busy. A place called Fleger was like jumping into an aquarium, different species of angel fish and all kind of colorful creatures around. Molasse Reef a small turtle and a beautiful big eagle ray sailed past. Rather poor vis we met on Eagle and absolute soup dive on Cayman Salvager and A. Bush. Some guys compared this to the conditions they are used to in Lake Superior, I have this in our gravel lakes at home. At Spiegel Grove and Bibb a ripping current hit us, some of us decided not to go, some aborted right after the start. Juliet crew put a rope up to the buoy, a smaller one connecting the line down to ensure, nobody loose his/her hold while trying to reach from one to the other and drifts away. You really had to grab your way along the line, always looking straight ahead never to the side or your mask would have been lifted and your reg sucked water. Down on the wreck things improved, you could hide in the structure, and the current slackened a bit. At Key West we went ashore for a bit of sightseeing, souvenir shopping and grab some nice sea food. Juliet most days offered 4 dives from which I did 3. Nitrox is possible, they charge 100 $ for a week. Juliet gives you a touch of the spirit and romance of the old seafaring folk and pirates in their galleons. She is not the usual live aboard you might be used to. Everything is a bit smaller but cozy, you have to climb squeeze down to the cabins, which is no big deal for regular sized sportive guys. This time I had one without head, normally I prefer to have my own bathroom. Aircon worked well, I had the upper bunk, which was fine for me. Everything a bit smaller on board means at the same time less people around which is just great. It´s easier to get acquainted, to socialize and our group managed that to perfection this week. There never was any trouble or the dive deck too crowded to don your gear. Meals were a lovely mixture of Mexican Caribbean and American specials. On farewell day they served hot cinnamon rolls with icing at breakfast, mouthwatering but not allowed for me needing gluten free – not fair that  This time I managed to tick off all nine wrecks , so I guess a white Porsche as a reward from Florida Tourism will wait for me coming home. Once again thanks to Scuba Venture and Juliet crew for this awesome week on board. Would love to join you again, if there is a tempting destination in store for us. Wouldn´t it be a good idea for the Juliet to once try the Pacific side with places like Malpelo, Cocos, Clipperton etcetera? Juliet Sailing and Diving 123 SE 3rd Ave #484 Miami, FL 33131 866-558-5438 www.julietsailinganddiving.com

Tauchgang am 12.09.2019

Am 12.09.2019 fuhren wir von Sunny Isles Beach auf die Key´s um bei Scuba-Fun den Tag zu verbringen. Die Verbindungsaufnahme per Telefon war problemlos, da die neue Tauchbasen-Besitzerin deutsch spricht. Die ehrliche Information über Wellengang und Zustand nach dem Hurrikane Dorian haben uns sehr geholfen, diesen Tag auszuwählen. Bei Ankunft an der Basis wurden wir sehr nett begrüßt und meine Begleitung wurde in die Formalitäten des PADI Schnuppertauchprogrammes eingewiesen. Desweiteren wurde uns in passender Größe die Ausrüstung bereitgelegt und uns wichtige Informationen, wie die Empfehlung einer Antiemetika-Einnahme wegen sehr starkem Wellengang oder das Anziehen eines Shorty`s wegen eventueller Begegnung von Quallen, mit gegeben. Als Guide / Tauchlehrer wurde uns Brent vorgestellt, ein witziger Typ mit langen Haaren, der eine sehr hoch angesetzte Ausbildung auf Englisch gut erklärt mit meiner Begleitung machte. Nach den o.g. Formalitäten ging es auch schon direkt los, der Pool liegt circa 5 Autominuten von der Tauchbasis entfernt. Hier wurden die Grundzüge (tarieren, Maske ausblasen, Automat einfangen, Nase-Mund-Reflex, Wechselatmung, Handzeichen, Druckausgleich) gelehrt, und nach einer guten Stunde auch erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Nach einer Mittagspause trafen wir uns mit Brant am Bootanleger von Rainbow Reef, um zusammen mit diesem Tauchunternehmen an das Molasses Reef zu verlegen. Das Boot war sauber und gepflegt, die Crew machte einen ordentlichen Eindruck und auch die bereitgestellten Druckluftflaschen machten einen guten technischen Eindruck. Nach gut 30min Fahrt über das Meer erreichten wir den Tauchplatz und konnten den ersten Tauchgang in 12m Tiefe 50 Minuten lang genießen. Die Wassertemperatur lag bei ca. 35C° und die Sicht bei circa 20m. Während Tauchschülerin und Lehrer vorneweg tauchten, bin ich den Beiden hinterher. Die Unterwasserwelt hat sich hier von seiner besten Seite gezeigt. Bunte Fische, große Korallenformationen mit tiefen Kanälen und einem Schwarzspitzen-Riffhai machten diesen Tauchgang unvergesslich. Nach dem Auftauchen und betreten des Bootes wurde durch die Boot Crew die Vollzähligkeit fest gestellt. Nun wurde das Boot um gut 100m versetzt und es ging auf zum zweiten Tauchgang mit neuer Druckluftflasche. Dieser konnte sich nahtlos an den Ersten angliedern, denn auch hier konnten wir einen Hai und einen Lobster sehen. Als wir wieder auf dem Boot waren und nach ca. 30min im Hafen ankamen, übernahm Brent unsere Ausrüstung und wir fuhren zur Basis zurück. Hier wurden freundlich und geduldig die letzten Formalitäten erledigt, Logbücher geschrieben, Informationen über die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt ausgetauscht und Smalltalk gehalten. In der Zusammenfassung war es ein unfassbares Erlebnis, dass man unbedingt wiederholen sollte. Ich kann jedem empfehlen, der einmal Schnuppertauchen möchte, sich hier an diese Basis zu wenden. Das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis ist auf alle Fälle in Ordnung.
Wie auch das benachbarte Jupiter Scuba Diving ist man im Jupiter Dive Center sehr gut aufgehoben. Neben dem Full Service inkl. Montage des Equipments und vorhandenen Guides für die Gruppe ist das Boot modern. Die Art des Tauchens ist etwas anspruchsvoller, eben keine Badewanne, sondern mitten im Golfstrom. Üblicherweise wird ein 2Tank-Dive (oder sogar 3Tank) gemacht mit 1h Oberflächenintervall. Es geht mit Sprung und direktem Abtauchen (wg Oberflächenströmung) direkt hinter dem Guide her auf ca. 20-25m, dann mit der Strömung treiben lassen und warten was kommt...wenn man früher auftauchen muss (z.B. weil man Luft statt Nitrox taucht oder viel verbraucht), macht man sich per Oberflächenmarker bemerkbar oder hält sich an die mitgeführte Boje des Guides und wird vom Boot eingesammelt. Sicht war im September mäßig (ca. 10m), dafür gibt es vor Ort aber einfach viel zu sehen. Wir hatten mehrere große Schildkröten und einen Goliath Grouper aus 2m Entfernung...traumhaft! Dazu noch viele andere Fische, z.B. eine Ansammlung großer Kaiserfische, wo vermutet wurde, dass diese sich aktuell zum gemeinsamen Laichen eingefunden haben. Beim benachbarten Jupiter Scuba Diving, die uns aufgrund vom Ruhetag an Jupter Dive Center verwiesen hatten, haben wir auch Zitronenhaie(3m), Riffhaie und Ammenhaie(3m) gesehen. Gibt es alles regelmäßig dort vor Ort, je nach Spot und Bedingungen. Das Tauchen ist recht teuer (mit Equipment inkl. Tax ca. 160€ für 2 TG), aber ich würde es jederzeit wieder machen, wenn ich dort vorbeikomme, weil es einfach spektakulär ist.
In May 2011 I started my first wreck trek with rental car from Miami all the way down to Key West. From a dive show in Düsseldorf I got that cute little logbook published by Monroe County Tourist Development Council. The idea was to hit all 9 wrecks pictured there like you do in bowling. A splendid idea to introduce Florida wrecks. In Key Largo my adventure began with a promising and amazing dip on Spiegel Grove. However I couldn´t book all the other wrecks, as we couldn´t find dive centers who offered the A. Busch, Thunderbolt, Bibb and Eagle. Some had these on their schedule but asked for at least 4 divers, puuuh. Vandenberg was the final highlight of this trip. It bothered me to find white spots in that logbook and the idea simmered in me to one day try again. In 2018 a new US vacation was planned, so I tried to finish that job. Asked Juliet for the wreck trek cruise. They only had one trip scheduled and this was fully booked by some US dive club. Juliet suggested for me to ask if they still had space available for me. Lucky me, there was a half share cabin free. THANK YOU SCUBA VENTURE, MARK SPITZER + CRAIG CHOLSON. These two guys arranged everything so I could join them on that trip. It was my 2. nd on Juliet. If one thing goes well you sometimes stumble across other not foreseen obstacles. My ESTA for entering USA was refused. This nearly panicked and stressed me. Due to only one question: “have you been to Syria, Irak or Sudan”, which I had to answer with yes. The website immediately blinked a warning: “ you really want to answer that question with yes”. Well if you want and need me be to be honest. I had been on a live aboard in Sudan, had a visa for this in my passport, no sense lying here. I then had to fill out a huge form for a visitor visa US, make an appointment with US embassy Frankfurt for a hearing. This took quite some time and money and I was a bit worried I have to cancel my trip. At the end all went well. Juliet welcomed us at a jetty near Biscayne Road Miami. 11 US divers and 1 German – would this work well? I guess it did, and turned out to be a lovely week with open minded guys sharing the same ideas and agendas. Wreck 7 was our first stop to give us the chance to check our gear. I had a new Scubapro Lite Hawk BC which was much better for travelling than the old heavy but reliable Master Jacket. Water had 29 C ideal for me and a 5 mil. We dove nearly all wrecks on our way down to Key West. Some were easy ones with good vis. We had good sized barracuda, tarpons, yellowfin tuna, on some wrecks we encountered humongous grouper, which were a bit shy with the camera. Benwood had amazing fish life all around, my Hero was busy. A place called Fleger was like jumping into an aquarium, different species of angel fish and all kind of colorful creatures around. Molasse Reef a small turtle and a beautiful big eagle ray sailed past. Rather poor vis we met on Eagle and absolute soup dive on Cayman Salvager and A. Bush. Some guys compared this to the conditions they are used to in Lake Superior, I have this in our gravel lakes at home. At Spiegel Grove and Bibb a ripping current hit us, some of us decided not to go, some aborted right after the start. Juliet crew put a rope up to the buoy, a smaller one connecting the line down to ensure, nobody loose his/her hold while trying to reach from one to the other and drifts away. You really had to grab your way along the line, always looking straight ahead never to the side or your mask would have been lifted and your reg sucked water. Down on the wreck things improved, you could hide in the structure, and the current slackened a bit. At Key West we went ashore for a bit of sightseeing, souvenir shopping and grab some nice sea food. Juliet most days offered 4 dives from which I did 3. Nitrox is possible, they charge 100 $ for a week. Juliet gives you a touch of the spirit and romance of the old seafaring folk and pirates in their galleons. She is not the usual live aboard you might be used to. Everything is a bit smaller but cozy, you have to climb squeeze down to the cabins, which is no big deal for regular sized sportive guys. This time I had one without head, normally I prefer to have my own bathroom. Aircon worked well, I had the upper bunk, which was fine for me. Everything a bit smaller on board means at the same time less people around which is just great. It´s easier to get acquainted, to socialize and our group managed that to perfection this week. There never was any trouble or the dive deck too crowded to don your gear. Meals were a lovely mixture of Mexican Caribbean and American specials. On farewell day they served hot cinnamon rolls with icing at breakfast, mouthwatering but not allowed for me needing gluten free – not fair that  This time I managed to tick off all nine wrecks , so I guess a white Porsche as a reward from Florida Tourism will wait for me coming home. Once again thanks to Scuba Venture and Juliet crew for this awesome week on board. Would love to join you again, if there is a tempting destination in store for us. Wouldn´t it be a good idea for the Juliet to once try the Pacific side with places like Malpelo, Cocos, Clipperton etcetera? Juliet Sailing and Diving 123 SE 3rd Ave #484 Miami, FL 33131 866-558-5438 www.julietsailinganddiving.com

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