Nachdem ich nun auch meinen diesjährigen Tauchurl ...
Nachdem ich nun auch meinen diesjährigen Tauchurlaub auf Lanzarote verbracht habe, hier nun einige weitere Infos zur Tauchbasis ?Calipso Diving?:
1 Tauchgang: ? 25, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 32
3 Tauchgänge: ? 70, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 89
6 Tauchgänge: ?132, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 168
8 Tauchgänge: ?160, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 209
10 Tauchgänge: ? 181, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 241
Die derzeitige Crew besteht aus 4 Tauchlehrern und 1 Divemaster.
Dive Sites:
Eine kurze Beschreibung der wichtigsten Tauchplätze (diese ist der Website entnommen und daher auf Englisch)
Entry via the bay of Playa de La Barrilla. Free descent to 16 mtrs, along the reef to the right and along a drop-off which leads to one of the rare pieces of pink coral in an alcove of a lava flow. This site has a lot of fish activity in mornings and is visited by trigger fish, fusiliers, barracuda, shoals of sardines and a variety of other small fish.
Unique in underwater volcanic lava flows from 15-60 mtrs in depth. Frequented by a variety of rays such as electric, eagle and butterfly. There is a volcanic island with a cave just off shore where shrimps, goat fish, morays and scorpion fish can be found. Angelsharks frequent this place during the Winter months. A protected bay but the dive site is exposed to the strong winds of the Atlantic Ocean making the site diveable only in very good weather conditions.
This dive begins in the bay of Playa de La Barrilla and gradually leads to a depth of 12 mtrs. The bay is frequented by numerous divers and the fish are fed so marine life is in abundance. Outside of the bay and leading around to the right is a small harbour wall where cuttlefish, octopus and sea horses can be found. This site is a favourite of novice divers. Also an interesting night dive spot.
This area has been designated a marine conservation site and after more than 17 years is now boasting a well established wreck site supporting a vast marine life of sardines, pinfish, turkish wrasse, emperor fish, arrow crabs, large groupers and sometimes visited by large sting rays and tuna (and Angelsharks in the Winter). Wrecks range from a wooden holed wreck at 32 mtrs up to a clear blue water 18 mtr trawler wreck which still has a 2 mtr brass propeller intact. There are approximately 8 wrecks together and this site can be dived a few times to explore the whole site.
The top of the reef commences about 20 mtrs undulating down to approx. 60+ mtrs and this afternoon dive takes a tour along the top of the reef down to a maximum of 25 mtrs. A variety of marine life can be found together with colourful globular anemones.
Jump entry from a jetty at high tide with a snorkel swim out to a buoyed anchor line which leads divers down to about 12-14 mtrs. The reef is followed around to where the Blue Hole commences. The Hole leads down through the reef and out the other side into the deep blue waters of the Atlantic. This dive is from 25-35 mtrs in depth. Apart from divers this site is visited by great barracuda, grouper and Angelshark. A torch is ideal on this dive to explore the inner caves of the Blue Hole.
A snorkel swim to the left of Playa de la Barrilla. Free descent to 16 mtrs following the reef which drops away to 60+ mtrs. The reef is patrolled by groupers thus giving the dive site it?s name.
Die Tauchplätze werden von Montag bis Samstag 2x täglich angefahren:
Pink Coral ? 32m
Mala / Lava Caves ? 25m
Los Erizos Wrecks ? 35m
Drop Off ? 28m
Blue Hole ? 34m
Mala / Lava Caves
The Grouper Run ? 34m
Cathedral ? 32m
The Alter ? 25m
Ritchie`s Reef ? 30m
Auch in diesem Jahr war ich vom Service und vorallem dem Verhalten der Crew sehr begeistert. Wenn ich erneut Flossen vergeben würde, wären es wieder 6...
1 Tauchgang: ? 25, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 32
3 Tauchgänge: ? 70, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 89
6 Tauchgänge: ?132, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 168
8 Tauchgänge: ?160, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 209
10 Tauchgänge: ? 181, Nitrox (EANx32): ? 241
Die derzeitige Crew besteht aus 4 Tauchlehrern und 1 Divemaster.
Dive Sites:
Eine kurze Beschreibung der wichtigsten Tauchplätze (diese ist der Website entnommen und daher auf Englisch)
Entry via the bay of Playa de La Barrilla. Free descent to 16 mtrs, along the reef to the right and along a drop-off which leads to one of the rare pieces of pink coral in an alcove of a lava flow. This site has a lot of fish activity in mornings and is visited by trigger fish, fusiliers, barracuda, shoals of sardines and a variety of other small fish.
Unique in underwater volcanic lava flows from 15-60 mtrs in depth. Frequented by a variety of rays such as electric, eagle and butterfly. There is a volcanic island with a cave just off shore where shrimps, goat fish, morays and scorpion fish can be found. Angelsharks frequent this place during the Winter months. A protected bay but the dive site is exposed to the strong winds of the Atlantic Ocean making the site diveable only in very good weather conditions.
This dive begins in the bay of Playa de La Barrilla and gradually leads to a depth of 12 mtrs. The bay is frequented by numerous divers and the fish are fed so marine life is in abundance. Outside of the bay and leading around to the right is a small harbour wall where cuttlefish, octopus and sea horses can be found. This site is a favourite of novice divers. Also an interesting night dive spot.
This area has been designated a marine conservation site and after more than 17 years is now boasting a well established wreck site supporting a vast marine life of sardines, pinfish, turkish wrasse, emperor fish, arrow crabs, large groupers and sometimes visited by large sting rays and tuna (and Angelsharks in the Winter). Wrecks range from a wooden holed wreck at 32 mtrs up to a clear blue water 18 mtr trawler wreck which still has a 2 mtr brass propeller intact. There are approximately 8 wrecks together and this site can be dived a few times to explore the whole site.
The top of the reef commences about 20 mtrs undulating down to approx. 60+ mtrs and this afternoon dive takes a tour along the top of the reef down to a maximum of 25 mtrs. A variety of marine life can be found together with colourful globular anemones.
Jump entry from a jetty at high tide with a snorkel swim out to a buoyed anchor line which leads divers down to about 12-14 mtrs. The reef is followed around to where the Blue Hole commences. The Hole leads down through the reef and out the other side into the deep blue waters of the Atlantic. This dive is from 25-35 mtrs in depth. Apart from divers this site is visited by great barracuda, grouper and Angelshark. A torch is ideal on this dive to explore the inner caves of the Blue Hole.
A snorkel swim to the left of Playa de la Barrilla. Free descent to 16 mtrs following the reef which drops away to 60+ mtrs. The reef is patrolled by groupers thus giving the dive site it?s name.
Die Tauchplätze werden von Montag bis Samstag 2x täglich angefahren:
Pink Coral ? 32m
Mala / Lava Caves ? 25m
Los Erizos Wrecks ? 35m
Drop Off ? 28m
Blue Hole ? 34m
Mala / Lava Caves
The Grouper Run ? 34m
Cathedral ? 32m
The Alter ? 25m
Ritchie`s Reef ? 30m
Auch in diesem Jahr war ich vom Service und vorallem dem Verhalten der Crew sehr begeistert. Wenn ich erneut Flossen vergeben würde, wären es wieder 6...