Obituary Dr Franz Brümmer

11.09.2024 13:59
Kategorie: News

Long-standing president of the VDST passes away

On 10 September 2024, Franz Brümmer, long-standing president of the VDST (German Sport Divers Association), passed away.

Franz Brümmer was an outstanding personality in the diving world. He has managed to change the way the VDST is viewed. During his 16 years in office as President of the German Sport Divers Association (VDST) since 2003, he and his board team have done an outstanding job of continuing the work started by Dr Friedrich Naglschmid of shaping the VDST as a nature sports association.

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The great success of Franz Brümmer's work is based on the fact that he does not fundamentally question the practice of sports in nature, but seeks a balance between the interests of sports and leisure on the one hand and nature, environmental and climate protection on the other. This is a high standard that he has met in an exemplary manner with a great deal of skill, perseverance and, without a doubt, the odd effort.’

In his laudatory speech honouring Prof. Dr. Franz Brümmer with the Hans Hass ‘Fifty Fathom’ Award in 2019, Prof. Dr. Ralph Schill spoke of an ‘association that is the most competent point of contact for everyone on many issues and for everything you want to and need to know about underwater – including beyond the sport.

DOSB badge of honour

In 2019, Dr Franz Brümmer received a very special honour – he was personally presented with the DOSB (editorial comment: Deutsche Olympische Sportbund (DOSB) = German Olympic Sports Confederation) badge of honour by DOSB President Alfons Hörmann. In his laudatory speech, he emphasised his great respect for Dr Brümmer's impressive social commitment, his extensive knowledge and his consistently constructive manner as a ‘relentless campaigner’ in the cause and at the same time as a ‘tireless bridge-builder between worlds’, especially between sports interests and nature requirements.
‘Franz Brümmer has rendered outstanding services to sustainable and responsible outdoor sports, above and beyond his association,’ said DOSB President Alfons Hörmann in his laudatory speech. He has always been a strong advocate for a harmonious coexistence of people, sports and nature. ‘Franz Brümmer was, is and hopefully remains a shaper of this important interaction – he has initiated the necessary discussions, clearly identified the risks with foresight – and at the same time made clear the responsibility of the organisations as well as of each individual.’ For this, he received the DOSB's Golden Badge of Honour.

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Federal Cross of Merit for ecological commitment

He has rendered outstanding services to sustainable and responsible outdoor sports far beyond the confines of his association. In 2014, Brümmer was honoured for his combination of research and teaching, ecological commitment and voluntary work with the ‘Cross of the Order of Merit’.

Franz was not only a formative figure as a chairman and official, but also as a person who was able to convince and captivate many people with his open and friendly manner. He was happy to share his extensive knowledge and experience with interested listeners.

His enthusiasm for the oceans and nature conservation was highly infectious. He was a wonderful persuader and inspirer, and thus brought further supporters to his great love – the world's oceans. Dr Franz Brümmer leaves a big gap. His legacy as chairman of the VDST and as a person will live on in the projects he initiated and in the memories in our hearts. Rest in peace dear Franz – your legacy – the love for the underwater world will always accompany us.

Our thoughts are with the family of Dr Franz Brümmer. Rest in peace and thank you for your commitment and passion for our diving sport.