Luxus-Liveaboard WAOW ausgebrannt und gesunken

02.02.2018 08:48
Kategorie: News

In der Nacht vom 31.1 auf den 1. 2. ist das Luxus-Segelschiff WAOW - World Adventure Ocean Wide - komplett ausgebrannt und dann gesunken. Die Tragödie geschah am Tauchplatz Biak Harbor / Cenderawasih Bay während eines starken Sturms.

Glücklicherweise wurde niemand bei diesem Untergang verletzt oder getötet, die Evakuierung lief problemlos ab. Laut unbestätigten Angaben brach das Feuer im Maschinenraum des Seglers aus und konnte nicht gelöscht werden.

Weitere Informationen liegen aktuell noch nicht vor, werden aber bei Bekanntwerden an dieser Stelle gepostet.

WAOW Untergang - Screenshot aus

Inzwischen hat das WAOW Management ein Statement zum Untergang der WAOW abgegeben:


We are very saddened to communicate to you all that our magnificent WAOW burned and sank last night (Jan 31st to Feb 1st) in a storm in Biak Harbor. Fortunately, there was no loss of life or physical injury.

Our WAOW was born from a dream. Although a "young maiden", she had become legendary. This was confirmed by the very marked success she achieved on the occasion of the recent European trade fairs, as well as in the testimonies that have been pouring in the past hours.

Our sincere gratitude goes first to our crew, their enthusiasm to provide the services we wished to offer on board, and the exemplary courage they have been demonstrating throughout this sad event. They have shown their affection for their WAOW of which they and we have all been so proud.

A big THANK YOU to all of you who have trusted us and manifested your appreciation by living an sharing "the WAOW adventure" with us. We shall remember the pleasure of welcoming you on board and spending happy and memorable moments with you. Good times!

Our special thanks and gratitude goes to the people who have actually "made the WAOW":

- Hadji, the incomparable Pinisi boat builder with the ancestral experience, and to whom we owe the magnificence of the WAOW;

-  Wulan, our first employee who gave her smile and all her soul to the service of all;

- Andrew, our former director, who ensured the follow-up of the construction and the first years of operations.

- Reto, our new director, who took over brilliantly, with his marine biologist skills, his experience as a diver, his knowledge of Indonesian cruise leader, and his natural goodness;

- Stéphane who, thanks to his skills, always found the answers and solutions to your and our problems of stewardship and organization.

- Steff, our exceptional cameraman, who produced the beautiful videos that will remain the witness of all that we have seen and experienced in the underwater world.

Finally, THANK YOU to all of you who have allowed us to realize and live our dream.

Like diamonds the WAOW is, at least in our memory, eternal. But life goes on, with new opportunities for each of us: seize them and enjoy them.

Julia, Michel und Gérard


Taucher, welche die WAOW gebucht haben sollten sich mit ihrem Veranstalter kurzschließen und nach Alternativen suchen.

Facebook-Video des Brandes auf der WAOW:

WAOW auf Taucher.Net: