Posidonia Oceanica is long-lived, slow-growing species. Computer models, based on rhizome growth and the pace of the root development, show that it takes 350 years to develop a clone with a radius of 15 meters.In the Mediterranean Sea, the underwater sea grass meadows of Posidonia Oceanica cover 25% of the seabed at depths of up to 40 meters. Posidonia meadows are on the list of priority habitats according to the European Directive of Habitats. On the dive you will come across different sea life and big seashells.
Anfahrt / Anreise:
In Montenegro overall, the meadow condition is summarized as „in equilibrium“, but the density ranges between 129 to 503 shoots/m2 In Sutomore you can get information from local OCTO dive center and guide .
Örtlichkeit / Einstieg:
The site is located around 150 meters from the shore. You can reach dive site by boat or scooter. The analysis published in the journal PLos ONE ,found that this sea grass was between 12000 and 200000 years old, most likely older than 100000 years. Poseidonia Oceanica in Sutomore around 4000 years old. Just to compare - the oldest olive tree in the city of Bar is 2000 years old.
Max. Tiefe:
Für Anfänger
Nächste Füllmöglichkeit:
Due to protection of Poseidonia some regulation apply
Nächster Notruf / Kammer:
Schreibe eine Bewertung


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