Deep Blue Diving, Caleta de Fuste, Fuerteventura

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Richard van Dantzig198757SSI Instructor340 TGs

We we´re going to Fuerteventura for a holiday and ...

We we´re going to Fuerteventura for a holiday and looked on the internet for a diveschool to dive with. The website of Deep Blue was already looking really good and meeting them at BOOT in Dusseldorf our first impression was great.

On our first day of the vacation we went to the divecenter which is really easy to find and nicely located in the harbour of Calete de Fuste. The first on-site impression was very good. A good explanation about how the divecenter works from equipment to the decobeers and everything in between. We were there with 3 Professional/Addicts and 3 beginners and they know how to make everyone happy at their own level.

The dives are at a lot of different sites. The three standard dives are divided in depth and difficulty level so it was easy to adapt to the divers. The briefing is complete with all the safety measures, divesite information and all which should be in a briefing.

After the dive the possibility to clean the equipment in the divecenter and a lot of place to dry it. The divecenter is big enough too have big groups at ones without feeling crowded. After the dive the guide provides for a drink (Coffee, tea or after the last dive beer or cola).

The diveguides we working hard to make it as pleasent as possible. A requested nightdive was arranged after asking more divers to join. We had a great laugh with the different guides when exchanging stories.

All by all, it is a great divecenter I want to return to!