Galapagos Islands: SeaLegacy launches new campaign to expand protected areas

13.01.2021 10:52
Kategorie: News

New ideas to protect the sea

With the help of several renowned nature photographers like Shawn Heinrichs, the future of the waters off the Galapagos Islands shall be protected. Colorful underwater photographs will help make people aware of the wonder of nature.

The oceans are the source of life and of inestimable importance to mankind. We often forget what a great importance the oceans have on our planet. Without them, we can neither keep global warming at a reasonably constant level, nor satisfy hunger.

Gallery 1 here

They produce about half of our oxygen (Phytoplankton, releases oxygen during photosynthesis) and store a third of the carbon dioxide produced by humans. So marine diversity urgently needs to be protected - no less than the preservation of humanity is at stake.

But instead of promoting conservation, the oceans are being exploited, overfished, over-acidified, polluted with sewage and garbage, and warmed by climate change.

The marine conservation organization SeaLegacy, founded by professional nature photographers, want to change that:

People shall be excited with environmental causes through art.

A campaign was launched on December 15, with a petition calling for the "protected waters" around the Galapagos Islands to be expanded and better monitored.

The 40-nautical-mile protected radius around the islands is home to nearly 3,000 marine species, monitored by researchers from around the world. In addition to sea lions, manta rays and hammerhead sharks live there.

Along with Only One, MasGalapagos, Pacífico Libre and other organizations, SeaLegacy launched the campaign to convince Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno.

The latter announced at the United Nations Climate Change Conference to protect the sea off the Galapagos Islands from pollution, overfishing and climate change, also for the benefit of the Galapagos people.

Indeed, an expansion of these "protected waters" would also encourage the growth of populations such as tuna. They can then flow into unprotected areas and be fished. This should be a long-term benefit to local fisheries.

But despite the president's public statements in 2019, no expansion of the protected area has happened.

SeaLegacy wants to change that:

Its experienced photographers specialize in attracting large audiences to their environmental campaigns. Renowned photographers Shawn Heinrichs and Cristina Mittermeier headed to Galapagos to capture striking images of the creatures that live in the reserves.

Gallery 2 here

Shawn Heinrichs is an Emmy award-winning cinematographer with nearly two decades of experience in underwater photography. Years ago, he began devoting himself to photography and founded the Blue Sphere Foundation.

"I was born in Durban, South Africa, and had a passion for adventure and nature from a young age. As a child, I traveled with my father to remote villages in southern Africa, exploring the Drakensberg Mountains and the wild coast of South Africa. I spent countless hours exploring the beaches. My passion for the oceans eventually led me to become a cameraman, diver, and marine conservationist". He has been involved in marine conservation for 2 decades. In 2019, his organization merged with SeaLegacy.

Through the colorful and breathtaking images, one realizes why scientists have been fascinated by Galapagos since the days of Charles Darwin and why they reflect the national pride of the country of Ecuador.

"We have generated immense public interest in this campaign so far and collected signatures. We've brought this issue into the global spotlight and attracted the attention of the president and government of Ecuador."

"We will continue to press this issue until the Galapagos Islands have the protection that is so desperately needed" states Shawn Heinrichs.

More information about Galapagos and SeaLegacy
Galapagos Diving – Special and Unique!
Website SeaLegacy


Please support the work to expand protections in the Galapagos by adding your name to this petition