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mike-yPadi rescue2550 TGs


Talisay Wall, I just love wall dives, the steep drop is tempting to go a bit further than planned, the sight deep into the dark water, the chance of big stuff cruising by, blue water dives away from the wall. A small school of barracuda on entry. A red frog fish waiting for the makro enthusiasts, 100 razor fish swimming vertical or horizontal right before my eyes, a banded snake is slowly worming it´s way up the reef, A truly pleasant and lovely introduction in the sites here, already on 1 dive more fish than on Whispering Palms.
Sardines 1000 of them building columns, canyons, scattering out again, I lose my buddy in a cloud of them, an amazing experience. One would expect to find predators cruising through with mouth wide open for an easy meal and full stomach. Nothing of that happens, a wonder what keeps them here all those years. Rumor has it, the hotels + restaurants pour there sewage unfiltered and uncleaned straight into the ocean?! The sardines feed on that, the reef wall looks like it could be true.
Most sites are only 5 min away. Looc a recommendation from Renè the owner offers a wall with big patches of pastel colored soft coral in all shades. 10 min straight out you will see a small island and all of us crave to try this as we only have 2 dive days here. We opted to go there for our last dive here. Vis changed between 5 – 20 m, again a wall sloped down to around 40 m. Last dive means for many of us, lose your buoyancy and get a big number into your log as farewell. Well I dropped down to 36 m, the guide was banging on his tank. Fish all around us even some better sized ones, mackerel and trevally on the edge of the reef. A school of these fish which most times approach you with mouth wide open and gills spread wide. I can´t stop giggling when I see these guys. A lot of overhangs crevices and small cavern invite my macro fans to spend their time, I kick onwards and practice blowing rings under the Bangka. The guide points into the blue, a turtle is swimming away, the only one for me here. A wall with yellow soft coral around the ascend line. My last day I accompanied the divers to the end of the island and snorkeled all the way back. Jelly fish near the surface was a bit disturbing and ruining this adventure.
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