The Golden Badge of Honor for real Ocean Heroes

21.07.2024 12:46
Kategorie: News

First award ceremony in Friedrichshafen

The newly founded OCEAN HEROES association has set itself the task of recognizing extraordinary personal achievements for marine conservation. The awards will be presented for the first time at the InterDive diving trade fair in Friedrichshafen. On stage: In addition to real VIPs from the marine conservation scene, people will also be honored for their lifelong commitment.

Gallery 1 here

The project sponsors are SSI Scuba Schools International, tauchen magazine and Taucher.Net, the scuba diving information network.


An interview with Gerhard Wegner

Taucher.Net: Gerhard, you are well known among shark conservationists and have received mountains of awards for your life's work. What made you want to honor other marine conservationists?

Gerhard: Exactly that. I always look at the trophies, certificates and medals from my desk and know that there are many other people behind the achievements for which I have been honored. Highly dedicated fellow campaigners in the second row who do everything they can for marine conservation but probably never receive an award themselves. Unfortunately, that is the law of the media. With the "GOLDENER DREIZACK" (editorial note: GOLDEN (AQUARIUS) TRIDENT) we want to honor extraordinary achievements for marine conservation. In our opinion, this also includes an extraordinary life's work.

Gallery 2 here

Taucher.Net: As we know, this year's award winners include some high-caliber figures in marine conservation such as Robert Marc Lehmann, Kurt Amsler or the successful shark conservation duo from Austria, Gabrielle and Herbert Futterknecht. How do they fit into the picture?

Gerhard: What they have in common is an extraordinary, inspiring personal achievement. Whether in or behind the spotlight. This year's award winners have more than earned it.

Gallery 3 here

Taucher.Net: We are excited. When will it be?

Gerhard: On Saturday, 28.9.24 on the show stage at InterDive in Friedrichshafen, Saturday shortly before 12.00 noon.

The non-profit and voluntary association OCEAN HEROES will be presenting special charity products for marine conservation at the trade fair alongside exemplary projects. These will include a Sterntaler (editorial note: "Starmoney" from the fairy tale) campaign, where everyone can only win

Why not drop by? A visit to the fair is worthwhile in more ways than one.

Further information:
OCEAN HEROES - Charity for marine conservation
InterDive Friedrichshafen, 26-29.9.2024 - Booth: Taucher.Net (next to the stage)

Contact person:
Gerhard Wegner, Ocean Heroes
Charity für den Meeresschutz