Against coral dieback

13.05.2023 09:32
Kategorie: News

Coral garden with 50,000 corals to be created in the Maldives

Ahmad Allahgholi from Basel went all in on risk. With the last money in his account, he bought corals. A reportage about a man who completely turned his life around and now dedicates it to reforesting coral reefs.

Gallery 1 here

Worldwide, about three quarters of all reefs are acutely threatened. Rising water temperatures, overfishing, destructive fishing methods and water pollution are causing trouble for these sensitive creatures. Ahmad Aki Allahgholi from Basel is one of those who stands up for the corals: "The corals are the basis of life in the sea, and if that is right, then everyone benefits from it. Dolphins, turtles and all other creatures, that is why it is most important for me to protect these animals."

Gallery 2 here

Ahmad Allahgholi, whom everyone calls Aki, used to be a successful banker. He lived large and had little time for himself. On the side, he ran the hip Messeturm bar in Basel. But a burnout forced Aki to rethink his life. For the past six years, he has been planting corals all over the world to counteract coral dieback. On the Maldives, in Soneva Fushi, where the original reef was destroyed by coral bleaching, he and his team want to replant 50,000 corals. Reporter Sabrina Inderbitzi accompanied Aki on his biggest project to date.

Gallery 3 here

A film by Sabrina Inderbitzi

On May 17, 2023, at 21:00, the film by Sabrina Inderbitzi can be seen on SRF1. A repeat of the reportage "The Coral Gardener" is planned for May 20.2023 at 15:30 (also SRF1).