The term ‘Muck Diving’ was invented here in PNG. Right at the jetty in front of the dive shop of Tufi Resort complex a New World awaits the unsuspecting diver. In amongst the rubble of a Century of dumped garbage, with machinery and Coca-Cola bottles from WW11, a wide variety of little critters have made their home. Every conceivable species of Gobie, Nudibranch, Mandarin fish, Ghostpipe Fish, Banded Pipe Fish and a plethora of other fascinating creatures offer the diver a Mecca for under water Macro photography. All this in less than 10m of water! During a night dive the inhabitants of this area are totally changed and one cannot recognise it is the same dive done during daylight hours.
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Hilf uns und lade Fotos zu diesem Eintrag hoch!- Anfahrt / Anreise:
- Örtlichkeit / Einstieg:
- Wasser:
- Salzwasser
- Erreichbarkeit:
- Landtauchgang
- Max. Tiefe:
- 10 Meter
- Schwierigkeit:
- Für Anfänger
- Tauchgangstyp:
- Wrack-TGStrömungs-TGHöhlen-TGBergseetauchgangSteilwandtauchgang
- Nächste Füllmöglichkeit:
- Tufi Resort
- Tauchregulierung:
- Nächster Notruf / Kammer:
- Port Moresby