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iremi_thalassa Über den BenutzerThe most intriguing part of diving for me is the feeling to float and being able to move in all three dimensions. Further I enjoy the aspects of physics and risk management (among others taking care of each other, training, equipment & preparation) related with diving as well as sharing my passion for diving and exploring new places. I am happy, when I am able to contribute to the safety of the group. For me personally a good dive is defined by experiencing the sensation of floating and the whole group ending the dive safely. Everything on top is a bonus.
- Registriert seit
- 19/12/2017
- Zertifizierung
- GDL*** Dive Leader, PADI Rescue Diver, PADI Discover Enriched Air NITROX, PADI Deep Diver, GDL Night Diver, PADI Night Diver, GDL Safety & Rescue Diver, GDL Freshwater Biology, GDL Dry Suit Diver, GDL Medical Practice, GDL Freediving In- & Outdoor**
- Anzahl TGs
- 290
- Geburtsjahr
- 1979
- Land
- Deutschland
- Bewertung hinzugefügt3